7 November
I like prime numbers and 7 is one of my favorite number. Usually I don’t have any favorites but in case of numbers, yes I do have certain inclination towards to this 7.
Why? I don’t know [and it is not only me Ask a number of different people to give you any number between one and ten, and most will choose seven. Ask people to name their favorite number between one and ten, and again most will say seven] .… probably because
- There are 7 colours in the rainbow
- There are 7 sur in the sargam
- There are 7 days in a week
- There are 7 pheres in shadis
- July is the 7th month of the year [earlier September used to be the seventh month of the year and from there only it got the name SEPTember]
- There are 7 horses in the chariots of sun.
- There are 7 wonders in the world
…the list is endless. Just one more addition to it. Your Birthday